I am very fortunate and pleased to have the following performances in late December and January. First the New World Symphony Orchestra will be presenting my work the Distant Wind II for clarinet and string orchestra as part of their concert on December 22 at the New World Center on Miami Beach. This is followed by the January 8 premiere of my new work beneath the surface for 2 pianos and 2 percussionists being premiered by the Ensemble Berlin Piano Percussion in Berlin. I am looking forward to being there in large part with the support of the ensemble and the German-American Fulbright Commission. Later that month on January 17, 18, and 19 The Florida Orchestra based in Tampa presents the premiere of my work, the impending silence followed by virtuoso bassoonist Rebekah Heller premiering my work prelude interlude and postlude with video images by Jacek Kolasinski and John Stuart as part of the New Music Miami ISCM Festival on January 22. I hope that those of you that may be nearby any of these will come by.