A Celebration of Orlando Jacinto Garcia’s 20th Year at FIU: 11/12/2006 4:00 PM
Sunday November 12, 2006
4:00 PM
Wertheim Performing Arts Center
In celebration of Orlando Jacinto Garcia’s 20th Year at FIU.
Performances of sombras iluminadas, voces en la distancia, olas, imagines sonidos sonoros, el sonido dulce de tu voz suave and otro mundo sonoro, are being performed by the FIU Symphony Orchestra, FIU Wind Ensemble, FIU Concert Choir, pianist Jennifer Snyder, soprano Michelle Auslander, violinist Iova Milova, and FIU artist in residence Robert Davidovici, November 12, 2006 on a retrospective concert of my works being presented as part of the FIU Music Festival.
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